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> 40G QSFP+ Transceivers

40G QSFP+ LR4 2KM Transceiver

40G LR4 is a transceiver module designed for 2m-10km optical communication applications. The
design is compliant to 40GBASE-LR4 of the IEEE P802.3ba standard. The module converts 4 inputs
channels (ch) of 10Gb/s electrical data to 4 CWDM optical signals, and multiplexes them into a
Supports 40GBASE-LR4(40Gb/s)
Up to 10km transmission on SMF
LAN WDM DML laser and PIN receiver;
High speed I/O electrical interface (CAUI-4)
I2C interface with integrated Digital Diagnostic
QSFP+ MSA package with duplex LC connector
Maximum power consumption 3.5 W
Operating case temperature: -40 to +85 °C